Saturday 9 July 2016

Hugs & Healing

This week has been rather an emotional week for us all.  Sadly, we received rather a brutal 'uninvite' to a party - which hurt us all quite deeply.  Not so much because the friendship is any great loss (we have more self respect than that) but because of the harsh and cowardly way it was done - by text.  I had thought, at the ripe old age of 41, that I was far too long in the tooth to fall foul of 'dumping by text' but it seems I was wrong!  

What's made me sad is the effect it has had on DS.  He has been rather sad about it, very emotional and clingy, and has been complaining of a headache for days (most likely stress-related as we used to get this All The Time when he was at school).  It's been really sad to see him like this.  He's been bed wetting, we've had a couple of nose bleeds and for the last 2 nights I've had to co-sleep with him :-(  I kinda wish our Texter could see all this, and maybe think twice about their behaviour in future.

So this week has been about hugs and healing.  Lots of time, lots of space, lots of fun.  

We had a fab time with a group of HE friends at an outdoor play park mid-week - including lots of the kids building dens for slow worms to hopefully entice some in before our next meet up in a few weeks :-)  DS absolutely LOVED this, as it is all about nature and outdoors - his favourite things. 

DD also had a great time just running around playing and having singing contests with her friends. 

We had a nice afternoon today just hanging out and building Lego and restoring DS's slightly battered self-confidence -

And DD has been working hard on a Sea Life project.  We had some-one ask if we would like to do a Sea Life project swap with them and being it is one of DD's favourite subjects she was happy to oblige :-)

She's also had an amazingly good sort out and tidy up of her room, already sold a few bits online and the rest we are taking to a carboot sale tomorrow - no doubt we will end up coming home with more than we took! Especially books lol :-)

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