Thursday 21 January 2016

Today has been something of a difficult day.  Yes, we do have them - often by the bucket load!  And today was one of them.

Both kids feeling a bit under the weather I think.  DD has been very oppositional all day, over every possible thing and hugely emotional when called out on it (which was necessary at times).  DS was very tired after a bad night last night - he woke me up in the middle of the night after a bad dream and wouldn't go back to bed.  So it was a long night for both of us.  

Nonetheless, we managed to make it out to their Home Ed gymnastics class, had lunch while we were out and then a trip to the supermarket.  An hour or so at home to de-junk then it was off again to Badgers (St John Ambulance group for 5-11 year olds).  This was our first time attending, so it was very hard for DS doing a 'new thing' on what was not a 'good day'.  But he managed really well.  He played at first, then had a bit of a meltdown when they were called to do a sitting down activity.  He became very angry and confused, and left the hall in a rage but the organiser was very good with him.  He agreed to come back to the table, I sat one side, she sat the other, and just chatted calmly 'at' him - not requiring any response, or demanding anything of him.  It helped calm him and he agreed to stay in the room, and let me stay sitting beside him.  He didn't want to join in the craft activity but that was fine. No-one questioned or judged him, he was allowed to just sit and play with a ball of wool (one of his favourite things) and just wound it round and around on his lap until the craft activity was over.  He then did a great job helping tidy away - he loves to help tidy (unless it's his bedroom!) as things have places and order and routine, and he can be helpful :-)    Then they played a few team games.  This was difficult for DS as he struggles to cope in games where he could be 'out'.  However, he coped with this really well by ensuring he was 'out' straight away - thus taking control of the situation and then sitting happily on the sidelines calling encouragement to the others.  

When we left to come home he said he 'would try it again' and that he 'liked that teacher' - which was a vast improvement to the 'this is horrendous, I want to go home!' that we experienced for the first half an hour!!  :-)   DD, on the other hand, had a great time and can't wait to go again (although that may have just been her last attempt at being oppositional for the day lol).

Time now for a deep breath, an early night and a fresh start tomorrow me thinks :-) xx

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