Wednesday 8 June 2016

Marveling in the Ordinary

We enjoyed another nice chilled day at home today.  We had several options of going out, including a semi-regular park meet we go to, horse riding or an unlimited number of day trips.  But, frankly, we couldn't be bothered!!  :-)

So we chilled, hung out, read books, watched out favourite films together :-)

DD cleaned out her stick insects, we picked dandelion leaves for our tortoise, all nice, normal, every day stuff.  I read a quote recently, the gist of which was don't teach your children just to strive for the extraordinary, teach them to marvel in the ordinary :-)  And that's definitely what we did again today.  It's so easy to get caught up in rushing around, trying to take the kids here, there and everywhere trying to give them a rich and varied curriculum and opportunities to try new things but there's alot to be said for days like these, where we all just 'be' :-)

DD decided she wanted to draw The Statue of Liberty - so she searched through our reference books, encyclopedias and atlas's until she found a picture to work from.  She then decided to add sky scrapers, to form the Manhattan Skyline and then added Central Park.  

It was difficult to get a good photo of it, as it's very pale, but I think it's brilliant.  

DS decided he was going to make animations - so he set up a stage and back drop, made some little props and made little videos with his Angry Birds figures.

Then they took their lunch and played outside for a couple of hours - water pistols, digging holes, bug hunting and sword fighting! 

Amazingly, they came in voluntarily when they were tired. Well, DD confessed that had had 'a little fight' BUT they had made up and come in as friends! Hurrah!

DD said she had a wish to eat gingerbread and ice cream.  Well, wishes do come true! 

Yes, we made some :-)  We had to improvise a bit with the ingredients but they came out fine and tasted delish (I'm told..... still being 'good' :-( )  

And we made a special one for Daddy when he gets home from work :-) 

And, to top it all off, DS has gone to Beavers, and stayed for the WHOLE SESSION!! And DD has taken herself off to bed!  

Definitely a GOOD day :-) xxxxx

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